Be Rich: I’m Rich

There are a myriad of reasons why people choose to give to charitable organizations. They want to make a difference in others’ lives. They want to fix a set of problems or resolve an unfortunate situation. They appreciate the tax breaks that accompany charitable giving. While these are all valid and noble reasons to give, is there a different motivating factor for Christians? In other words, are Christians called to be fixers? Or followers? October 23, 2011

Going Long

We are a part of one of the most exciting stories in the history of the human race. It’s a story that has been unfolding for thousands of years and a story that is unlikely in almost all of its details. It’s the story of Christianity and how it has spread from a small band of followers to a religious movement that has gone to the ends of the earth. It’s a story that is not yet over and a story in which we have been called to play a significant part. Rich Barrett presents how you can be a part of this story. May 1, 2011


Where are we headed as an organization? What’s our plan to get there? We’re so excited to share with y’all this Sunday about what God is doing in the lives of people through Access Church, and where we’re headed in the months to come. We’re going to get there together. Not together like a club made up of people with common interests – but together like a group of people with a common need. Rich Barrett gives us some direction and invites you to join in. April 10, 2011

Baptism – What’s the Big Deal?

There tends to be a lot of confusion surrounding baptism. And while the topic often evokes strong emotions, it is not a subject in which people have much to draw from, other than their own experience. For this reason Rich Barrett takes the time to explore what the Bible has to say about baptism and how this informs our understanding of this universal Christian practice. March 13, 2011.

All Show and No Go

Mark 11 relates a story of Jesus driving merchants out of the temple in Jerusalem. This image of Jesus seems contrary to the kind, compassionate Jesus usually portrayed in scripture. In this message, Rich Barrett proposes that if we want to know what makes someone tick, we should learn what ticks them off. Understanding what made Jesus so angry in this story will tell us a lot about the heart of God. October 17, 2010.

How Good Is Good Enough

Good people go to heaven — don’t they? Sure they do. It only makes sense. Actually, it doesn’t really make any sense at all. Smart, educated, accomplished men and women everywhere are banking their eternities on a theory that doesn’t hold water. In “How Good is Good Enough?” Rich Barrett will reveal what’s wrong with the most popular theory about heaven — and what it really takes to get there. October 25, 2009

New Era

In trying to keep up with the times, this blog will become a valuable resource for the Production Team. I’ll try to keep you updated with all you need to know right here.