This Is My Year… I Promise: Love People

Milestones like the beginning of a new year or a new year can leave us feeling inadequate. Even worse, sometimes we look back over several years and we don’t see very much progress and we just feel insignificant. Like, what will my legacy be after I’m gone? Will my life have mattered? In this series, we see that Jesus has given us the key to unlock greatness in our lives. January 12, 2020

This Is My Year… I Promise: 2020 You

A new year, a new decade, a new you. Some people love setting goals and making resolutions. Some people hate it. Either way, we’d all agree that a little intentionality about the most important things in life is probably a good thing. We want the next decade to be great! God wants greatness for you, as well. January 5, 2020

Voices: Ryan Leak

What would you do if you couldn’t fail? Would you write a book, produce music, or start your own business? Would you go back to school? Would you get married? Whatever that thing is, don’t you think it’s time to sweep aside all of the excuses you have for not pursuing the life God has planned for you?
There are things that put pressure on you to be what you’re not. The roles you have as a family member, coworker, employer, or student put expectations on you that you may not be intended to carry. God has a plan for your life . . . and so do other people. But God’s plans are bigger. They’re more important. In order to pursue those plans, you’ll have to risk failure. You’ll have to work to become today who you intend to be tomorrow. December 1, 2019