You’re Not The Boss of Me – Overview

We all monitor our behavior to some degree. This keeps us out of trouble and helps us in our personal and professional relationships. But Jesus invites his followers to take monitoring a step further.

Our emotions don’t have to be the boss. In fact, Christians already have a boss—a better boss than anger, envy, insecurity, guilt, fear, or greed. May 30, 2021

Fight for It, part 3 – Building Resilience into the Next Generation

Resilience has changed throughout the generations. In our culture, the trend for parents is to protect rather than prepare the next generation for adulthood. Our greatest opportunity for leading the next generation is to model and build resiliency muscles in our children. May 23, 2021

Fight For It, part 2 – Dealing With Rejection

Everyone faces rejection. How we handle that rejection can either cripple us or force us to become more resilient. In a critical moment during Jesus’ ministry, his Heavenly father reminded him of something that can help all of us walk through seasons where we feel rejection. May 16, 2021

Aftermath, part 3: Mix and Match

Jesus was irresistible. People from all different backgrounds were attracted to Jesus. But is the Church irresistible? Do Jesus’ followers represent Jesus in a way that makes it irresistible for the onlooking world to be attracted to Jesus? April 25, 2021

Aftermath, part 2: Fearless

If you were raised on a version of Cristianity that relied on the Bible as the foundation of faith, a version that was eventually dismantled by academia or the realities of life, maybe it’s time for you to change your mind about Jesus. Maybe it’s time for you to consider the version of Christianity that relies on resurrection of Jesus as its foundation. If you gave up your faith because of something about or in the Bible, maybe you gave up unnecessarily. April 18, 2021`

Easter 2021: Invitation To Believe

Following Jesus’ crucifixion, his followers expected what anyone expects after someone dies: that they would remain that way. But one of Jesus’s followers, John, gave an eyewitness account which summarized the main event surrounding Christianity: Jesus rose from the dead. April 4, 2021