Future Family, part 3: Common Cause

When it comes to family, the only thing we all have in common is conflict. Family conflict is like no other because when you win an argument in your family, you don’t really win anything. The conflict is never fully resolved.
What if there was a way to resolve family conflict by dealing with it at its source? September 27, 2020

Future Family, part 2: Power Down

In his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul drew from Jesus’ use of power what is perhaps the most powerful relational teaching of all – an instruction that changes everything in family dynamics. It all comes down to asking a simple question:
What can I do to help? September 20, 2020

Future Family, part 1: Ideally Speaking

When the ideal is hard to attain, it’s tempting to just lower the bar and redefine the ideal. This can be especially true when it comes to Jesus’ teachings about family, which many of us have already fallen short of. In this message, Rich Barrett explains why aiming for God’s ideal is still worth it, even when our reality makes reaching it impossible. September 13, 2020

The Beginner’s Guide to Predicting Your Future: Appealing Is Revealing

The best way to predict your future is to pay attention to where you’re headed. But sometimes it’s easy to get distracted by what’s on the path. The appeal of money, acceptance, or security can lower your defenses and lead you away from the path you want to be on. So is there a way back? How do we change course when we realize that we’ve chosen a path that leads us to what’s appealing instead of what’s ultimately satisfying?
The path to be avoided is always paved with strong emotional appeal. Your heavenly father hopes that you’ll opt for satisfying over appealing. Will you choose to give in to that internal nudge? Choose to say no to you and follow Jesus, who loves you, who gave his life for you, and who rose from the dead to punctuate that claim. September 6, 2020

The Beginner’s Guide to Predicting Your Future: Follow

We all start out life with great intentions. But our intentions aren’t good indicators of our destinations. In fact, our direction trumps our intention every time. That’s why we all need to follow someone we trust. Someone who can make our lives better and make us better at life. We all have a decision to make. If not Jesus, then who? And if not Christianity, then what?
Following Jesus is not easy, but following Jesus is better. Surrender to his direction and trust him with your destination. He knows where you should go. August 30, 2020

The Beginner’s Guide to Predicting Your Future: Your Intention Please

Nobody gets lost on purpose. But we often find ourselves in places we never intended. If there’s a disconnect between what you hope to be true in the future and the direction you’re headed now, maybe it’s time to take a closer look at your path. Our direction, not our intention, will determine our destination.
Direction will always trump intention. If you’re willing to trade what seems easy and fun now for what will be satisfying later, you will arrive at your desired destination. After all, the path you choose makes all the difference. August 23, 2020

The Beginner’s Guide to Predicting Your Future: Principle of the Path

We’re all going to end up somewhere in life, but often there’s a disconnect between where we want to end up and the path we choose. So how can we avoid choosing a path that’s guaranteed to get us where we don’t want to be?

Wise people understand that life is connected and that a person’s direction is the best indicator of their ultimate destination. If you want to end up somewhere on purpose, follow Jesus. You will end up somewhere on purpose with purpose. August 16, 2020

Talking Points, Part 2: Choose Sides

Our political views are shaped by a number of variables: our backgrounds, education, and personal experiences to name a few. It’s easy to feel like our view is the right one, but the person beside you is more precious to God than your political view. August 2, 2020